Starting a food business can be scary, but it’s one of the most fun and rewarding ways to make a living. If you’re dreaming up a small food business, read on. Here are the top reasons why entrepreneurs are drawn to the industry – and why you shouldn’t wait any longer to join them.
Your Food Is Delicious
Whether you have a family recipe, a catering operation, or a special secret sauce, you love cooking and make a great product. Why not share it with the world? Everyone eats, and everyone craves delicious food. Get started now before you see someone else run with your idea.

The Local Economy Needs You
Small food businesses tend to keep capital in the neighborhood and boost local economies. They also create community because food brings people together. This means your business could have a positive impact right in your own town.
You Don’t Need a Storefront
Buying our leasing cooking space is a big commitment, but you can launch your business without it. If you bake, you may qualify to run a home-based business as a licensed cottage food operator. If not, don’t worry. You can rent space by the hour in a licensed commercial kitchen like ours.

Be Your Own Boss
As a food entrepreneur, you’ll work hard, but you can do it on your own terms. You’ll be the person in charge which means you decide when, where, and how you work. You’ll also hire employees, buy ingredients, and choose which suppliers will get your business – and which ones won’t.
Bring Your Passion to Work
Since it’s your company, you can make your passion part of your business model from the very beginning. If you are committed to sustainability, choose to compost your food scraps (like we do at GSK). Or, donate a percentage of sales to a great cause. Your customers will appreciate your efforts.

Because You’ve Always Wanted To!
There’s never going to be a perfect time to launch, but there will be a good time, and it might be sooner than you think. Don’t let fear, procrastination, or imposter syndrome keep you from your dreams. If you want to take one small step toward making it happen, come tour Garden State Kitchen and see what’s possible.
Want to see what it’s like to cook in a licensed professional kitchen? Watch our video here, or schedule a tour!