Our members who run meal prep companies cook for families, vegans, fitness trainers, and more. They say access to an affordable commercial kitchen is important, but there’s more to it than that. We checked in and put together a list of the top 10 things they need to succeed. Here’s how our members save time and money when it’s time to cook for their customers.
#1 – Fully Loaded Catering Kitchens
Meal prep companies tell us our large kitchens have everything they need to fill weekly orders – and then some. They also use them to prep for parties or cater weddings or other special events. Flow and functionality is what they appreciate most. Our kitchen layout is efficient and all the equipment you need is right there in the space you rent. There’s a sink, refrigerator, 6-burner range, flat top, 5-rack convection baking oven, and two stainless steel prep tables. There’s also a deep fryer if you need one, or a char broiler – the best way to grill all those chicken breasts just the way your customers like them.
Our members also tell us it feels like you’re working in your own kitchen, even if just for the day. While there are other kitchens in the building, the one you rent is yours – no competing for space or equipment.
There’s also plenty of room when it’s time to portion and pack up your food. You can rent a speed rack at the last minute, too, if you need temporary storage. This means you can roll large orders into the walk-in and chill them overnight. They’ll be ready to go when you return in the morning to start delivery.
#2 – We’re Open 24/7
Are you a night owl? Come in and prep all night. Early birds, we’ve got you too. Garden State Kitchen is open 24 hours. We are ready when you are, no matter what time it is, or what you’re cooking up for your customers.
#3 – On-site Dishwashing!
Yes, we do the dishes – your dishes! All our members tell us that working in a full-service kitchen – the only one in NJ – is a huge perk. They say the convenience of on-site dishwashing saves them time, and even reduces stress. After cooking for customers all day, the last thing they want to do is wash dishes. We get it. That’s why we take care of it. Our professional cleaning staff washes all the pots, pans, equipment, utensils, and more. They also make sure everything is sanitized, organized, and ready to go for our members. It’s a no-brainer.
#4 – Collaboration and Community
We take pride in our collaborative community of food entrepreneurs. While each meal prep company that cooks here has its own specialty, they share one thing in common: They are all growing food businesses cooking to keep their customers happy.
Since our kitchens are next to each other, members can meet and work together if they want to. This happens all the time. We see companies share tips on suppliers, staffing, food packaging, and more. We’ve even seen companies team up to bring their customers something new. One made dinners that featured a member’s special spice mix. Another offered seasonal desserts as an add-on. They cross promoted to boost customer awareness and strengthen both businesses. It’s a classic win-win situation.
#5 – A Big Selection of Small Wares
Sometimes you forget to bring a peeler. Or maybe you just need another one to get the job done faster. We have a large selection of kitchen tools ready for you to use while you’re here. Our shelves are filled with knives, spatulas, tongs, funnels, measuring spoons, just about any type of small ware, just in case. These are clutch for that time you didn’t know you’d need a grater. Or when your employee forgot their chefs knife. It’s all here if you need it.
#6 – No Monthly Fees
We understand the importance of flexibility when you’re starting to grow your business. Our kitchen on demand model means you don’t have to commit to monthly fees or a certain number of hours. You pay only for the time you need, starting with our four-hour minimum. This works well for our member meal prep companies who have different needs on different days. When their filling orders for family dinner, they spend a full day in one of our catering kitchens. Later in the week, they may just need four hours to prep and pack light lunches. At Garden State Kitchen you pay for what you need, when they need it. Nothing more and nothing less.
#7 – Storage Shelves
Since meal prep companies tend to make many types of meals on the same day, they like to store their spices and staples at Garden State Kitchen. Some also use our dry storage area to hold to-go packaging, bulk ingredients, special tools, whatever they need to cook and fill orders. They say it’s worth it to not have to store everything at home and then move it back and forth each time they come to cook. To save even more time, some rent space in our walk-in refrigerator. They say it’s nice to have everything ready and waiting for them.
#8 – Coworking Space
Sometimes you need professional space that isn’t made for cooking. Our coworking loft with desks, wifi, and a printer, is yours to use at no extra cost. Bring your laptop and confirm orders or reconcile billing. Or just take a quick break and have a snack.
#9 – Member’s Pantry
Did you forget your salt? No problem. We have a box and you can use some at no extra cost. We keep a selection of basic items on hand for our members to use in a pinch. They tell us this is a true convenience. It’s much easier and cost-effective than running to the store while you’re paying for kitchen time.
#10 – Maintenance and Repairs Are Covered
When a Vitamix breaks, we fix it. When it snows, we plow the parking lot. And if a scale stops working, we replace it. We take pride in maintaining our space and making repairs as quickly as possible. We also cover these hidden costs of doing business so you don’t have to. Our meal prep customers tell us they prefer to spend time cooking instead of worrying about equipment and repairs. We’re happy to make sure everything works when it’s supposed to.
Come See What We Mean
If you’d like to learn more about any of our kitchens, or the services we provide, we’d love to show them to you. Why not take a tour? You can check out our video here. Even better, book a time to come see us in person. It’s the best way to decide if Garden State Kitchen is the right place for you to grow your food business.