Featured Entrepreneurs

Sweet Second Chances

Brick City Candy is a social enterprise with a powerful goal: to provide training, support, and employment opportunities to previously incarcerated individuals, helping them forge a new path forward. Inspired by Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, they spread their message by creating, producing, and selling delicious candy creations. We at Garden State Kitchen couldn’t be more proud to provide the kitchen they need to support their important work.

Candy With a Purpose

Did you know that the unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated individuals is five times higher than the general U.S. population? This economic instability is the primary cause of the high rates of recidivism in our country. And that recidivism is higher among young people and men. 

The team at the Pyramid House Foundation sought to create their own solution locally. They landed on candy making as a way to channel the transferable skills that many formerly incarcerated individuals possess. 

Brick City Candy was cooked up in order to offer a path to stable employment, a sense of accomplishment, and hope for the future to these individuals. That stability, hope, and creativity has ripple effect on our communities, making them stronger and safer. 

Building Skill and Finding Your Grove in Our Commercial Kitchens

Our kitchens provide the space and tools for Brick City Candy confectioners to hone their candy craft. With five kitchens to choose from, members can find one that best suits their needs and book there regularly. This allows them to become comfortable in the space and develop a work rhythm.

Our flexible scheduling and convenient online portal helps Brick City Candy focus on their mission: supporting reentering citizens and reducing recidivism through stable employment and skill development. This is exactly why we started Garden State Kitchen – to empower entrepreneurs and build community connection through food.

Plotting Profitable Paths

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